beBee background
Angeline Umbina

Angeline Umbina

Well-presented, approachable, and friendly person

提供するサービス: ESL教師

金沢市, Kanazawa
¥2,000 / 時間


Angeline Umbinaについて:

Hello, I am currently working at Nagoya University. I am available to work next week, and my profession has been a teacher since I was graduated. I am a well-presented, approachable, and friendly person who is always keen to help wherever I can. I can speak fluently English, Filipino, and Thai. I believe that my skills and experience can be transferred more than adequate to the position of a teacher. Thank you for your kind consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 


Duration: May 5th, 2009 to Mar. 31st, 2010

Location: San Nicolas school of Dapa (Philippines)

Position: Teacher

Work contents: 

Duration: Apr. 5th, 2010 to Sep. 15th, 2012

Location: Kumon Learning Center (Philippines)

Position: Assistant of Instructor/ Teacher

Work contents: 


Duration: Dec. 19th, 2012 to Sep. 3rd, 2013

Location: Private Tutorial Center (UAE)

Position: Teacher

Work contents: 


  1. Duration: Nov. 1st, 2013 to Sep. 30th, 2015

Location: Khlongyai Trat Thailand (Thailand)

Position: Teacher

Work contents: 


  1. Duration: Oct. 1st, 2015 to Apr. 30th 2017

Location: Khukhan Middle School (Thailand)

Position: Teacher

Work contents: 


  1. Duration: May 1st 2017 to March 2021

Location: St. Francis Xavier Convent School (Thailand)

Position: Teacher

Work contents: 

Duration: April 2021- present

Location: Nagoya University

Position: Researcher 


Nowadays, more and more people are dedicating time to studying English as a second and
foreign language. Many countries include English in their school curriculum, and children are starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. If you’re looking for a new job or planning to travel around the world, studying English can help you progress in life both personally and professionally.
You can compete in the global job market, increase your career skills and start to meet people from
different walks of life. Many international businesses conduct meetings in English; universities teach
courses in English; and in most countries, tourists and travelers use English as a common language.
As a Mathematics Teacher, English is the language that I use in teaching my students in Thailand. It
helps me to teach internationally as it increases my chances of getting a job in a multinational school or company. Competency in the English language offers several employment possibilities because it is the medium of instruction for cross-cultural communication.

We were taught during our university times about the concepts, ways, and practices on how to
deal with and support students in learning. I have gained my knowledge in order to enhance students’ efficiency and capability. Managing the individual differences of my students proved difficult but a
satisfying and challenging one. Advancement and globalization bring about the demand for English
integration in the curriculum to cater for the call of globalization. The good knowledge of the English language gives me access to multiple cultures and allows me to teach in other countries. Teaching students of different cultures and languages entails adjustments. You as a teacher should adjust to your students and be flexible enough so that you can address their needs. Teaching English to Thai students is a big challenge because English is a foreign language to them. I enjoyed working with ‘at
risk’ students, and careful preparation of lessons allowed me to simplify complicated concepts so that
my young students could understand the lessons better. I tailored activities to maintain and to boost the interests of high-level students without intimidating the less-skilled ones. Working now in Thailand is not just about teaching. Implementing and facilitating school activities such as speech contests, story-telling, role-playing, making, checking and editing examination papers and etc., improve the quality of my being a teacher. These activities can equip me with skills needed in my careers, such as leadership, teamwork, time management, communication skills and office environment flexibility. No
matter what cultures our students are... as a teacher, we should have the zest for teaching, being
resourceful, creative and we should possess the values of patience, thoughtfulness, understanding,
caring, generosity, loving, being passionate, and faith in God. As long as you work from the
heart, that makes you extraordinary.

Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience, which I shall bring to your
organization. I have also worked tirelessly on my communication abilities and teamwork skills, which I will put to use in my future career, which would be in your organization. I have given my 100% effort in
my previous jobs and this has enabled me to recognize my capabilities and limitations. If I channelize
them further, they will bring fruitful results to me and also to your esteemed organization. As a
professional working in your company, I am confident enough that I could be to the best of my ability to
your vision and mission of producing excellent and quality work.

Through our differences, we understand each other and are able to work harmoniously because
we use the main tool for communication and the universal language, and that is ENGLISH.

Angeline Umbinaと同様のサービスを提供する専門家

Angeline Umbinaと同じ教育・研修セクターのプロフェッショナル

プロフェッショナルが提供するサービス ESL教師・サービス

金沢市, Kanazawa の近くのさまざまなセクターの専門家

の近くにある求人 金沢市, Kanazawa

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