Hitoshi Kokumai

2年前 · 2 分の読書時間 · ~100 ·

ブログ Hitoshi
New Slide - Healthy Second Life of Legacy Password Systems

New Slide - Healthy Second Life of Legacy Password Systems


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Generating High-
Entropy Password like


We’ve come up with a slide presentation for “Bring a healthy second life to your legacy password system” 

“We do not have to replace or rebuild the existing text password systems for making use of episodic memory; images of our episodic memory can be turned into a high-entropy code with a simple tweak.”

Here is a video version with narration (16 minutes) - https://youtu.be/8UitS_hmCf8

And, this is a text version - https://www.slideshare.net/HitoshiKokumai/bring-healthy-second-life-to-legacy-password-system

For the people who are interested to know more, we also published a comprehensive 3,000-word article on this subject on our website at  https://www.mnemonicidentitysolutions.com/File/Bring%20Healthy%20Second%20Life%20to%20Legacy%20PW%20System.pdf


“Expanded Password System

wane = Only I can select all of
BS] them correctly

Broader choices with both images and characters accepted






Easy to manage relenons between accounts and corresponding passwords.


Torturous login is history. Login is now comfortable, relaxing and healing



Key References 

Archive 2021— Comments Posted since January 2021 on Digital Identity and Threats to It

Account Recovery with Expanded Password System

For Achieving Solid Digital Identity on Information Security Buzz (Mar/2021)

What We Know for Certain about Authentication Factors

Digital Identity for Global Citizens

Image-to-Code Conversion by Expanded Password System

Summary and Brief History - Expanded Password System

Proposition on How to Build Sustainable Digital Identity Platform

Relation of Accounts & Passwords


* Unique matrices of images allocated to different accounts.

+ Ata glance you will immediately realize what images you should pick
up as your passwords for this or that account.


Additional References

Removal of Passwords and Its Security Effect
Negative Security Effect of Biometrics Deployed in Cyberspace

External Body Features Viewed as ‘What We Are’

 History, Current Status and Future Scenarios of Expanded Password System

Availability-First Approach

Update: Questions and Answers - Expanded Password System and Related Issues 


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to memonze
text/number passwords

{Text Mode)
Recall the remembered

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Low memory ceiling

to lighten the load of

text passwords


{Graphics Mode)
Recognize the pictures
remembered mn stones


High memory ceiling



to make use of
memorized images

{Ongimal Picture Mode)

Recognize the unforgettable
pictures of episodic memories

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Very high memory cuiding

— Think ofall those adders you have to climb in Donkey Kong 1+)


 < Videos on YouTube>

Slide: Outline of Expanded Password System (3minutes 2seconds)

Digital Identity for Global Citizens (10minutes - narrated)

Demo: Simplified Operation on Smartphone for consumers (1m41s)

Demo: High-Security Operation on PC for managers (4m28s)

Demo: Simple capture and registration of pictures by users (1m26s)

Slide: Biometrics in Cyber Space - "below-one" factor authentication

Secret Credenti



Episodic Memory


#identity #authentication #password #security #biometrics #privacy #democracy #ethics #emergency #disaster #panic #defense #government #pandemic #teleworking #blockchain


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