Hitoshi Kokumai

3年前 · 1 分の読書時間 · ~100 ·

ブログ Hitoshi
If Only It Were True!

If Only It Were True!

FRR (Fal Reyection Rages)



False Acceptance Rates and False Rejection Rates|


FA (Poise Acceptance] v3 FR (False Rejection) & Threshold |





RR (Equator Rates)

00 wt

10°A good number of consumers consider biometrics positively according this report -" Fed up with passwords and bad onboardings, consumers consider biometrics"

Put your finger on a sensor or place your face before a camera and you will enjoy better security and convenience; What a fantastic world it would be. IF only it were true! 

The phenomenon of pro-biometrics consumers, in reality, is no more than a misinformed consent of a kind. The false sense of security that such misperception brings to the society could be even worse than the sheer lack of security, as discussed here - "Campaign ofDeception"

Prefer quickly watching to reading more? Then click here 


Below are some more of my recent posts on biometrics -

"US Army appears to be scarily misguided"

"Probabilistic Is Human Body, Not Pattern-Matching Algorithm"

‘Not as secure as claimed’ is one thing. ‘Harmful to security’ is another.

"What we are apt to do"

"Campaign of Deception"

"Comfortable Biometrics Ecosystem"

"AI-Enhanced Biometrics – How Dreadful?"

"Probability of Wrong People Getting Persecuted"

"Face Shielding ‘instead of’ OR ‘on top of’ Face Mask"

"Finger vein technology"

"What Biometrics Vendors Tell Us versus What NIST Tells Us"

"Spoofing and Liveness Detection"


Our biometrics whitepaper - "Negative Security Effect of Biometrics

Deployed in Cyberspace"


Hitoshi Kokumai

3年前 #2

I do not think that biometrics will mature someday; the true problem does not come from the imperfect pattern matching algorithm, but from the unpredictably variable features of human bodies that are just beyond humans' control.
I don't know much about this topic, but I'd like to share my experience. I've been using a biometric login for my phone. Usually it works but there are many times it doesn't. My fingertip was scanned in various ways when I first registered it. I do the same for accessing a bank app of mine. Oftentimes the login fails and I have to resort to password authentication, which is in itself problematic. So, I fully agree with the OP about the issues of biometric authentication. An interesting technology but not ripe for this sort of application and definitely not a value-add for cybersecurity. Cheers!

Hitoshi Kokumaiの記事

2年前 · 2 分の読書時間

I would like to take up this somewhat puzzling report - “Google advises passwords are good, spear ph ...

2年前 · 2 分の読書時間

Some friends directed my attention to this news report - · “Biometric auth bypassed using fingerpri ...

2年前 · 2 分の読書時間

I take up this report today - “Facebook's metaverse plans labelled as 'dystopian' and 'a bad idea'” ...



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