Hitoshi Kokumai

3年前 · 1 分の読書時間 · ~10 ·

ブログ Hitoshi
Global HQ Registered in UK

Global HQ Registered in UK


“Expanded Password System

Bans & Only I can select all of
BL] them correctly

Broader choices with both images and characters accepted






Easy 10 manage reletons between accounts and corresponding passwords.


Torturous login is hstory. Login is now comfortable, relaxing and heaing

8We have registered Mnemonic Identity Solutions (MIS) Limited (Code: 12788178) in UK as our global headquarters.


MIS stands at the core of ‘Digital Identity’; people engaged in identity management or ‘deployment of authenticators’ could all be the down-stream partners for Expanded Password System (EPS) as discussed here


We expect EPS to stay with us over many generations until humans discover something totally different to 'Digital Identity' for our safe and orderly societal life. We look to the people who share such a long-term view and support us as such.

We plan to organize a crowdfunding for anyone to have an opportunity to join us for both the social good and economic benefits. We will welcome technical contributions as well.

Together with everyone, shall we make EPS solutions readily available to all the global citizens: rich and poor, young and old, healthy and disabled, literate and illiterate, in peace and in disaster?

Identity Assurance in Emergencies




Disaster Recovery

Card and tokens


Frenin ic. we can quickly
recognize unforgettable images of
epriodic memones


In the Field

Practicable with both
hands busy ?

In panic? With injuries?

With protection gear on?

Who Adopted Expanded Password System (EPS) and for What

A telecom company who built a payment system designed for a million online shoppers adopted EPS for accepting ‘Hard-to-Forget’ and yet ‘Hard-to-Break’ credentials and for reducing the helpdesk cost drastically. Actually 140,000 online shoppers enjoyed the no friction login before the payment system was closed in 2008.

An IT corporation who built a security-conscious corporate network adopted EPS-based 2-channel/2-factor authentication accepting ‘Hard-to-Break’ and yet ‘Hard-to-Forget’ credentials. 1,200 employees are still enjoying the good balance of security and usability.-

Japan’s Self-Defense Ground Forces, aka Army, adopted our product for accepting ‘Panic-Proof’ and yet ‘Hard-to-Break’ credentials. The number of licenses has increased more than 10-fold over the 7-year period from 2013 and is set to increase further.

We expect to see similar adoptions in hundreds or thousands of times larger scale once we start the operation in the global market from the quarters in UK.



Hitoshi Kokumaiの記事

2年前 · 2 分の読書時間

We today take up this report “NSA: We 'don't know when or even if' a quantum computer will ever be a ...

2年前 · 2 分の読書時間

Bad guys, who have a quantum computer at hand, would still have to break the part of user authentica ...

2年前 · 2 分の読書時間

Some friends directed my attention to this news report - · “Biometric auth bypassed using fingerpri ...



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