Hitoshi Kokumai

3年前 · 1 分の読書時間 · ~10 ·

ブログ Hitoshi
Does US Army Really Want to Bring Down Security?

Does US Army Really Want to Bring Down Security?

Worry about a backdoor?

US Army looks to use soldiers’ biometric data to secure wearable tech


The US Army appears to be misguided.

We would not need to worry much if they intend to deploy biometrics for ‘IDENTIFICATION’ of soldiers.

We would have to worry a lot if they intend to deploy biometrics for ‘AUTHENTICATION’ of soldiers.

Contrary to the widespread misperception, biometrics used for authentication would only lower the digital identity security as demonstrated in this video - Biometrics in Cyber Space - "below-one" factor authentication https://youtu.be/wuhB5vxKYlg

and closed examined in this article – Negative Security Effect of Biometrics Deployed in Cyberspace


Should you have any contact with someone at US Army, you would be requested to convey this warning to them before it is too late.


It was in 2001 on the website of a globally reputed electronics manufacturer that I first noticed this awkward phenomenon. They alleged that their face biometrics was going to displace the password. It immediately occurred to me what we could do when the system failed to recognize us. I quickly started to search for an answer on their website and found a brief statement in a Q&A corner "Don't worry if you are not recognized. You can get logged in by feeding the password that you had registered earlier".


The second encounter came a few months later at a security conference where another global brand hung a large poster reading "Farewell to Password by Fingerprints". I asked an attendant "What can we do when rejected by the fingerprints sensor?", to which he replied "Don't worry. You can rescue yourself by feeding the password that had been registered earlier". I raised the next question "Then, how would it be possible for you to allege "Farewell to Password by Fingerprints?” The attendant turned silent and never opened his mouth again. I gave up and left there.

 It has been as such since 2001 and still is.


mohammed khalaf

3年前 #3

Using technology to meet the rising expectations from USA soldiers is a must in biometric data. Business leaders need to first understand what customers expect and then make best use of the available technology to meet their customers' needs.

Debesh Choudhury

3年前 #2

There are wrong people everywhere to purposefully misguide new technology, and get huge financial gain by harming the real purpose of the technology. But, the general audience is indifferent to these acts. It is really sad that the effect would be worse for the future.

Debesh Choudhury

3年前 #1

There are wrong people everywhere to purposefully misguide new technology, and get huge financial gain by harming the real purpose of the technology. But Hitoshi Kokumai, the general audience is indifferent to these acts. It is really sad that the effect would be worse for the future.

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