
1 フォロワー 0 刊行物 · 7 記事


Quantum Computing and Identity Assurance

Hitoshi Kokumai · Bad guys, who have a quantum computer at hand, would still have to break the part of user authentication that is not dependent on the public-key scheme, prior to accessing the target data, in the normal environment where secret credentials play a big role; quite a few cryptograph ...


New Slide - Healthy Second Life of Legacy Password Systems

Hitoshi Kokumai · We’ve come up with a slide presentation for “Bring a healthy second life to your legacy password system” · “We do not have to replace or rebuild the existing text password systems for making use of episodic memory; images of our episodic memory can be turned into a high-entropy c ...


US Army appears to be scarily misguided

Hitoshi Kokumai · Are you a US citizen? Should it be the case, you could consider talking to the Army or some US watchdog organizations urgently on this matter provided you find the following discussion relevant and compelling. · https://www.defensenews.com/cyber/2020/10/19/us-army-looks-to-use-s ...


Summary and Brief History - Expanded Password System

Hitoshi Kokumai · ‘Easy-to-Remember’ is one thing. ‘Hard-to-Forget’ is another - The observation that Images are easy to remember has been known for many decades; it is not our theme. ·  What we discuss is that ‘images of our emotion-coloured episodic memory’ is ‘Hard to Forget’ to the extent that ...


Identity Assurance - Sufficient and Necessary Conditions

Hitoshi Kokumai · It is not easy to define the 'sufficient condition' for describing a set of processes used to establish that a natural person is real, unique, and identifiable; criminals keep coming up with hitherto unknown weapons to compromise the said processes. · But we are easily able to d ...


The password is easy to crack – Are you sure?

Hitoshi Kokumai · Quite a few security professionals say ‘Yes’ very loudly. · We would say that a ‘hard-to-crack’ password is hard to crack and an ‘easy-to-crack’ password is easy to crack, just as strong lions are strong and weak lions are weak; look at the cubs, inured and aged. · However har ...


‘Easy-to-Remember’ is one thing. ‘Hard-to-Forget’ is another.

Hitoshi Kokumai · Images are easy to remember – This observation has been known for many decades. It is not what we advocate. · What we advocate is that ‘images of our emotion-colored episodic memory’ is ‘Hard to Forget’ to the extent that it is ‘Panic-Proof’. · This feature makes Expanded Passw ...



  • 株式会社東京海上日動キャリアサービス_関西エリア

    一般事務 保険代理店

    次の場所にあります: Whatjobs JP C2 - 4日前

    株式会社東京海上日動キャリアサービス_関西エリア 大阪市, 日本

    【職種】 · 一般事務 保険代理店/本町駅より徒歩3分/未経験OK/社会保険完備/交通費支給/大阪市/V4004e · 【雇用形態】 · 派遣社員 · 【求人】 · 【一般事務 保険代理店】生命保険・損害保険の手続き事務/東京海上G/正社員登用実績あり · 未経験から保険事務にトライできる貴重な求人です · 必要な資格はご勤務開始後の取得でOK · スキルを身につけ長期安定してお仕事したいとお考えの方にオススメです · 【お仕事内容】 · 東京海上グループ · 保険代理店本部でのオシゴト · - 生命保険・損害保険に関する事務 · ・見積書や申込書等、各 ...

  • Cognizant Technology Solutions

    Service Delivery Manager

    次の場所にあります: beBee S2 JP - 6日前

    Cognizant Technology Solutions Tokyo, 日本 OTHER

    Job Responsibiltiy: · Lead the L2/L3 team for a specific tower to ensure that all the applications under that tower are supported adhering to SLAs · Interface with key application stakeholders to ensure that they are satisfied with the support, services and processes that are be ...

  • 住宅型有料老人ホーム おかりんの郷 巽中


    次の場所にあります: Whatjobs JP C2 - 2日前

    住宅型有料老人ホーム おかりんの郷 巽中 大阪市 生野区, 日本

    **厚待遇で居心地の良い職場です 提携賃貸マンション・提携保育園あり** · **採用情報** · **【掲載社名】** · 住宅型有料老人ホーム おかりんの郷 巽中 · **【雇用形態】** · パート · **【職種】** · 夜勤専従 · - 提携保育園・賃貸マンションあり · - 資格取得支援制度有(費用は会社全額負担) · - 未経験者歓迎 · - ブランクOK · - 駅チカで通勤便利 · - 週1日~OK · - お仕事掛け持ち・WワークOK · - 扶養内勤務OK · **【給与】** · 日給 22,100円 · 1夜勤22,100円 ...

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