
1 フォロワー 0 刊行物 · 55 記事


Dystopia Comes with Comfort and Convenience

Hitoshi Kokumai · I take up this report today - “Facebook's metaverse plans labelled as 'dystopian' and 'a bad idea'” · https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59154520 · I am not knowledgeable enough to be able to judge whether ‘Metaverse’ itself is a good or bad idea, but it is not hard for me to j ...


How Best to Bring Comfort to Cyber Criminals

Hitoshi Kokumai · Another topic for today is “Passwordless made simple with user empowerment” · https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/96431-passwordless-made-simple-with-user-empowerment · Imagine a world where quantum computing has made a quantum leap and destroyed the public-key infrastruct ...


Larger Attack Surface on User’s Device

Hitoshi Kokumai · I today take up this The Register report - “Client-side content scanning as an unworkable, insecure disaster for democracy” · https://www.theregister.com/2021/10/15/clientside_side_scanning/ · Glancing over this worrying report, I found this paragraph especially eye-catching; “I ...


Truly Big Threat

Hitoshi Kokumai · The quantum computer held in a bad guy’s hand is indeed a big threat. So is the artificial intelligence that has gone out of control. · However, a yet bigger threat comes from the humans who are indifferent to the power and value of humans' volition and memory. · Worst would be ...


Quantum Computing and Identity Assurance

Hitoshi Kokumai · Bad guys, who have a quantum computer at hand, would still have to break the part of user authentication that is not dependent on the public-key scheme, prior to accessing the target data, in the normal environment where secret credentials play a big role; quite a few cryptograph ...


Graphs talk the nature of biometrics

Hitoshi Kokumai · Biometrics is 'probabilistic' by nature since it measures unpredictably variable body features of living animals in ever changing environments. · – FAR and FRR are not the variables that are independent from each other, but are dependent on each other · – the lower a FAR is, the ...


New Slide - Healthy Second Life of Legacy Password Systems

Hitoshi Kokumai · We’ve come up with a slide presentation for “Bring a healthy second life to your legacy password system” · “We do not have to replace or rebuild the existing text password systems for making use of episodic memory; images of our episodic memory can be turned into a high-entropy c ...


UN Human Rights Committee on Biometrics

Hitoshi Kokumai · Today's topic is the announcement by UN Human Rights Committee that storing biometric data on identity cards violates privacy –https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=27329&LangID=E · This is another case that biometrics is viewed as conflicting with hum ...


Another Aspect of Biometrics

Hitoshi Kokumai · Today I take up this report “Europe makes the case to ban biometric surveillance” https://www.wired.co.uk/article/europe-ai-biometrics · A friend has directed me to this very intriguing news, which reads “the biometrics business is on a collision course with Europe’s leading data ...


Biometrics is to Password what Back door is to Front door

Hitoshi Kokumai · Let me try to make the relation of a biometrics and a default password clearer with the picture of a house with a front door of a deterministic password system, to which a back door of a probabilistic biometrics system was added as another entrance. · Residents are required to us ...


Who will bear the costs for rescuing the people who get falsely accepted and falsely rejected?

Hitoshi Kokumai · "India uses controversial Aadhaar facial biometrics to identify COVID vaccination recipients - Safer than eyeballs or fingerprints, apparently"   https://www.theregister.com/2021/04/09/india_facial_id_covid_vaccinations/ · On top of the issues raised in the report comes this ques ...


Was correct information given to the questionees before asking the question?

Hitoshi Kokumai · "Consumers recognize biometrics security tops passwords, Experian says"   https://www.biometricupdate.com/202104/consumers-recognize-biometrics-security-tops-passwords-experian-says · We have to be curious to find out what the outcome would be if the consumers had been informed ...


Yet another case of misleading information being spread by tech media

Hitoshi Kokumai · "How Making a Funny Face Could Boost the Security of Face Unlock Features"   https://gizmodo.com/how-making-a-funny-face-could-boost-the-security-of-fac-1846502530 · Low false acceptance rate is one thing and good security is another. · The information those tech media always fa ...


Inconvenience behind Convenience of Biometrics

Hitoshi Kokumai · It looks as though nothing is more convenient than putting your finger on a sensor or place your phone in front of your face to get you logged-in. Is it actually as convenient? · Consider the huge inconvenience that citizens would have to face over their lifespan when their biom ...


On Ruinous Misperception of Biometrics

Hitoshi Kokumai · Here are some of my recent writings about the misperception on security-ruining biometrics. · ‘Not as secure as claimed’ is one thing. ‘Harmful to security’ is another. · If Only It Were True · Probabilistic Is Human Body, Not Pattern-Matching Algorithm · US Army appears tobe sca ...


Videos on Biometrics

Hitoshi Kokumai ·   · Here are three videos featuring the biometrics that brings down security. · Biometrics inCyber Space - "below-one" factor authentication (2 minutes) · Six Reasons toBelieve Biometrics Don't Ruin Cyber Security (4 minutes) · Panel Discussion - Consume ...


US Army appears to be scarily misguided

Hitoshi Kokumai · Are you a US citizen? Should it be the case, you could consider talking to the Army or some US watchdog organizations urgently on this matter provided you find the following discussion relevant and compelling. · https://www.defensenews.com/cyber/2020/10/19/us-army-looks-to-use-s ...


Covid-19: Testing and Washing versus Face Mask

Hitoshi Kokumai · The world’s most famous/infamous politician and his subordinates are reported to have claimed that testing regularly and washing hands frequently are as effective as or even more effective than wearing a face mask for not infecting corona virus, whereas scientists have declared t ...


Summary and Brief History - Expanded Password System

Hitoshi Kokumai · ‘Easy-to-Remember’ is one thing. ‘Hard-to-Forget’ is another - The observation that Images are easy to remember has been known for many decades; it is not our theme. ·  What we discuss is that ‘images of our emotion-coloured episodic memory’ is ‘Hard to Forget’ to the extent that ...


What Biometrics Vendors Tell Us versus What NIST Tells Us

Hitoshi Kokumai · I recently posted “Comfortable Biometrics Ecosystem”   In its aftermath, I learnt from one of my LinkedIn contacts that NIST had publicised test results of some biometrics products. · Above is a screenshot of the test result of a biometric product, of which the accuracy is boaste ...



  • (株)ユーラス Tokyo, 日本

    ■グループ会社が展開するスーパー『ロピア』やその他小売店向けに、商品の仕入れや自社企画開発を行う当社にて、出店中の台湾店の売り上げ拡大に向けた企画・推進、ロピア以外の新規顧客開拓をお任せします。 · 【詳細】ロピア台湾店宛に輸出を行っている部門にて、どのような商品が台湾で売れるのかを調査・企画し、バイヤー部門とも連携しながら商品の選定?納品までを行います。 · また、今後さらに海外事業を拡大させるため、ロピア以外の新規顧客(現地の他スーパーやアメリカの日系スーパー、食品卸業者など)を開拓いただきます。 · ※主にはメールでの営業や日本食展示会での名刺交換 ...


    アメリカン ホリック-ららぽーと横浜(pa_5887)

    次の場所にあります: Talent JP C2 - 1日前

    STRIPE INTERNATIONAL Yokohama-shi, 日本

    募集情報 · 勤務地 アメリカン ホリック-ららぽーと横浜(PA_5887) · 勤務曜日・時間 シフト制 · ※勤務時間は店舗により異なります · ○週2日、1日4時間から勤務可能 · ○週20時間以上の場合は雇用保険加入 · ○週30時間以上の場合は社会保険加入 · (健康保険、厚生年金) · ○週40時間以内まで勤務可能 · 勤務時間、曜日については · 面接時にご相談ください♪ 資格 【条件】高卒以上 · ・アパレル、雑貨に興味がある方 · ・前向きでチャレンジしてみたい方 · ・未経験でもOK 待遇 ●交通費支給 · 支給あり(月31,50 ...



    次の場所にあります: Talent JP C2 - 4日前

    BOIS CO Yokohama, 日本

    ■中高年&主ふ層が活躍 · 当社のメイン戦力は40代、50代、60代。 · ほどよく体を動かせて社会とも繋がることができるお仕事として、 · 中高年層や家庭を持つ主ふ層も多数活躍しています。 · ■勤務地・働き方イロイロ · 今回の案件以外にも、多彩な働き方や勤務地をご用意しています。 · 希望の働き方や場所など気軽にご相談ください。 · 本庄市 · 厨房清掃 · パート · 簡単 · バイト · 仕事 · Wワーク · 扶養内 · 短時間 · 車通勤 · 募集要項 · 職種 食品加工センター内の厨房清掃 雇用形態 パート 仕事内容 食品加工センター内 ...

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